Collection Chef Yakumoto
Discover our collection Chef Yakumoto of high-end Damascus steel knives.
This collection is a professional collection designed for people looking for a delicate cut and a multipurpose high-end set.
Get Yakumoto knives in Damascus steel made in Asia for the best quality. Their one-of-a-kind design gives them a true DNA!
With a blue resin handle, discover our Set of 5 knives, Japanese style - Collection Chef Tanaka Blue Ocean.

The characteristics of each knife
Chef’s knife - 259g : Made to cut meat and fish, fresh herbs, fruits, and peal vegetables
Santoku knife - 243.5g : Made to cut delicate food, slice vegetables, cut meat and fish
Boning knife - 125g : Made to remove meats from bones, cut bones in small pieces

Utility knife - 127g : Made to achieve delicate cuts

Paring knife - 118g : Made to cut slice of sausage, cut fresh herbs, to hollow out fruits and vegetables